August 24, 2016
At “Sochi-2016” forum Krasnodar region to present a priority project in the area of balneologyAugust 22, 2016
At “Sochi-2016” forum Kuban to present a project on establishment of a pharmaceutical clusterAugust 18, 2016
At “Sochi-2016” forum Krasnodar region to present a project on establishment of a plant on production of canned fruitAugust 16, 2016
Kuban to present a project of the plant on the production of reagents for drilling fluids at the forum “Sochi-2016”August 5, 2016
Abinsk district of Krasnodar region offers an investment site for a promising projectAugust 5, 2016
At the forum “Sochi-2016” Kuban will introduce the investors to the project of high-tech plant on the production of corrugated packagingAugust 4, 2016
At the international forum “Sochi-2016” Kuban will present a priority investment project on the development of the Black sea coastAugust 1, 2016
Kuban to present around 400 investment offers at XV International investment forum “Sochi-2016”July 21, 2016
Veniamin Kondratyev takes part in the session of the extended ASI (Agency for Strategic Initiatives) Expert CouncilJuly 20, 2016
It is planned to construct a plant for manufacturing rice processing machines in Abinsk districtJuly 15, 2016
Abinsk district offers a land plot for the project in the processing industryJuly 14, 2016
French investors plan to develop projects in energy and agricultural areas in KubanJuly 4, 2016
Abinsk district presents a project on the organization of a greenhouse facilityJuly 1, 2016
The advisory council on investments under the head of administration (governor) of Krasnodar region resumed work in Krasnodar region